Jan 27Liked by Election Data Analyzer

So part of the entire residency issue when it comes to elections is the distribution of non-monetary compensation to various school workers. That’s exploited like crazy all over the place. At a local boarding school there were 22 actual residents based on facilities, 18 of those were of voting age, but over 80 people were registered and 51 voted from that location! Legally they weren’t living in the main office they all specified, so the discretion used was way too lenient, but our Democrat Majority legislature refuses to address the issue. It’s a case of unclean hands!

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Jan 28Liked by Election Data Analyzer

I am on a campaign to have all voter rolls returned to be run and maintained solely by the counties with no interface with the state except the counties reporting their election results to the Secretary of State. No one is accountable right now! All they do is "point fingers" at each other. My reasoning is because of what NY Citizens' Audit has uncovered and, due to their lead, what I have uncovered. I started looking at the voter ID#s. In my state, over two General Elections (2020 & 2022) + 8 months, our Secretary of State issued enough ID#s to create 2 new counties. The State's server auto-generates the issued ID#s for all 33 counties. (Our state's growth has been relatively flat, 2%, between 2010 & 2020 Censuses.) Also, the state is getting aggressive about signing up "Eligible" voters through the state's "Human Services" Department. That has the potential to make the Motor Vehicle Dept.'s "registrations" look benign. What I see is the structure being put into place to destroy the concept of "county". One of the reasons "Why?" for my state is because of the massive amount of federal dollars pouring into the State to fund those "Human Services". Every federal dollar coming in gets hit with a gross receipts tax. But mostly my reason is because of what the SOS reports as "election results" does not match the "posted" election to the state voter "roll" (database). And it is not off by a little! Sadly, the rolls are not only Not maintained here, but, like NY appear to be manipulated to run elections (finding records to create predetermined results). And I would not have been able to see this if not for EDA showing me the way from the start. Thank you! Watch out for those Universities, they are about sucking federal dollars too.

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Love to know your state...is is a member of ERIC?

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NM, and yes it is. Our SOS was the President of the National Association of Secretaries of State. Everyone and their Cat (wouldn't say dog to Kat's Meow) seems to have access to our database. It is not a "statewide voter roll" and the County Clerks just let "their" rolls fly on auto-pilot.

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Jan 27Liked by Election Data Analyzer

Thank you. Colleges and universities are a prime spot for those phantom voters. And, the ERIC system is not even required in this case, unless the bogus entries are fed by the state into the ERIC AI data base. where names are stored, altered, and voted time and time again. I believe OH has withdrawn from that system, so it is a great time for them AND the dorms to clean house.

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